
We need your works for our videos!!

"cocolo supplie" wants your original photos, musics, and/or poems for our healing videos.
The credit will be shown in the video, in the description of the video, in the article of our blog.
This means that the world knows your talent.
(Now we have viewers not only in Japan, but US, Canada, Germany, Thailand, Holland, Brazil and so on.)
Of course your works suck as photos, musics and/or poems are wonderful itself without doubt when we enjoy them alone.
The combination of different materials may bring a new impression.
Why don't you and we collaborate?

All the materials should be healing for many people, not unpleasant to most people.
For example, nude or sexal expressions; slander, abuse, or crime, and related those things; negativeness; or imaginating those.
We would say no to them.

"cocolo supplie" never buy your works.
We humbly ask you to provide them with goodwill, no give-and-take money at all.

We may modify to the materials like; aspect ratio or cropping for photos, cutting or repeating or changing tempo for musics, and deviding into mutiple videos for poems.

It would be so helpful that you put the credit where both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio will do.
In case a photo and the credit don't match when we use several photographers' pictures.
We would like to have such as scenery, bokeh, abstract, animal...
Your personal snap shots are not preferable.

We don't care about the length of music, but we may cut when it doesn't fit like we mentioned before.
Most of our videos are 5 min. or so, we prefer that length.
Short ones should be played seamlessly when they are played repeatedly.
Not with vocals, should be instrumental.
You should devide into lyrics (text) and acommpanied music (audio file).
We show singing ones as another versions.
We prefer slow-medium tempo, melodious, non fast-beat ones like lullabies.
No good for currently copyright-valid musics even covers.
Most of classical music pieces are OK to use under copyright, must be arranged or self-played ones.

Poem should be not endlessly long without periods and commas.

The poems and lyrics of the songs are shown on the blog both English and Japanese (translated).
You can give us poems/lyrics in other languages but you should know we are not multilingual, no skill for translation directly unless you give us English ones.

Readings-aloud of literature incruding classics are also welcome.
You should choose ones over 50 years after the author's death, make sure non-valid copyright.

Quotes are probably all right if you clear the authors and where you pick from (like the title of the book).
We will make sure later.

Feel free to contact us if you have further questions using the form on the right column of the page.

Do you agree upon all above?
Then send us a message attached them as compressed files like .zip or .rar.
Or you can use like Google Cloud, then you let us know the downlod url and password.

We will be pleased if you give us useful information on royalty-free materials, even not your own works.

You have to send us a message first using the contact form.
Then we will write you back.
"Name," "email address" and "message" from above.
Don't forget to put your right email address, as we cannot reach you.

We need you to provide great videos to the world!!
Hope you and we can make wonderful partners.
Thank you very much for your coorperation in advance.

The materials for this video above.
PHOTO:  http://wallpaperswide.com
MUSIC:  DOVA-SYNDROME (http://dova-s.jp/)

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